Institutional Best-Practices

Institutional Best Practices 1

1. Title of the Practice

Enhancing Employment and Entrepreneurship potential through Value Based Education

2. Objectives of the Practice

The primary objective of the university is to prepare the students for their professional and personal life. This is done by equipping the students with a comprehensive set of skills, including critical thinking, communication, problem-solving, and teamwork, to enhance their employability. The fostering of an entrepreneurial mindset among students is attempted by encouraging creativity, innovation and risk-taking in order to prepare them for entrepreneurial ventures. The success of these objectives requires a combination of technical skills as well as ethical and professional practices, which calls for a strong character. The university strives to achieve this objective through value-based education.

3. The Context

The professional world is challenging for the students in many ways. It is challenging for the education institute as well, which carries the basic responsibility of preparing the students for the external world. They need a set of technical skills and another set of life skills to be successful in the professional world and strike a balance with personal life. The institution is required to play a facilitating role in enhancing their abilities to establish their own business or get better employment opportunities along with the values of education
Attitude of the students is a major impediment, as they are merely interested to gain the knowledge of their own specialization or to obtain a degree. However, holistic development requires the student to be exposed to multiple fields of knowledge and wisdom. Although challenging, the university provides the academic avenues and support system to enhance interest among students through various platforms.

4. The Practice

The university has a strong focus on academic advancement of students by providing them technical knowledge of the subject. Curriculum also incorporates subjects that focus on skills and values. The Ministry of Education, Government of India has framed and enacted NEP 2020, which emphasizes on entrepreneurship, employment along with value-based education. The university has implemented the recommendations of NEP 2020. Employment based courses such as Basics of Computer Application, Basics of Photography, Indian Constitution, Nutrition etc. are included in the curriculum. Courses on Ability Enhancement and Skill Enhancement are also offered. In addition, there are Value added courses
The institution provides opportunities for real-world application of theoretical knowledge through internships, projects, and collaborations with industries, ensuring students gain practical experience. The collaborations with industries are also meant to identify and incorporate the latest trends and technologies into the curriculum, aligning education with the demands of the job market.
To inculcate innovation and entrepreneurship approach in the students, the university has established a SSIP Cell. Several activities are carried out by the cell. The students are encouraged to participate in Programmes organized in-house and outside of the University. One of them is IDEATHON, where the students are invited to participate and showcase their talent. Best three entries are awarded with prizes. They are sent for higher competitions at state and national level.
Employment opportunities are generated and streamlined by the Training and Placement Cell of the University which is continuously working on providing necessary guidance to the students for their improved placements. The cell is inviting companies for campus placements and organizing Employment Fair on campus. Once such Employment fair has been organized on 25 July 2023 in which 22 companies from Gujarat state have participated. The offer letters were issued to the interested candidates and many of them have joined their jobs.
The university facilitates networking opportunities for students with professionals, alumni and entrepreneurs, helping them build valuable connections for future career prospects.
Personalized career guidance and mentorship programs are provided to assist the students in making informed decisions about their career paths and entrepreneurial pursuits.
There is a strong emphasis on activities other than academic, as it provides the much-needed exposure and experience to the students regarding the practical aspects of life. The university has a strong community outreach and extension. Other platforms like NCC, NSS, Sports and Cultural activities further bolster this approach of value addition.

5. Evidence of Success

One of the major aims of any education institute is to ensure maximum employment of the students. The success of the institution in this regard is reflected by the placements. Because of the efforts of University’s Training and Placement Cell as well as the efforts of various stake holders, the university has been able to achieve 71% employment during the last five years.
After securing first position at University level, a team went to participate in the competition at Chennai.
The students of Computer Science and Applications prepared a web-based application for the Gram Panchayats. The advantage of this application is the user may use a single app for any kind of work to be taken care at Gram Panchayat.
The establishment of Atal Incubation Centre for fostering the spirit of innovation and Sanskrit Pathshala for Value based education signifies the two ends of the spectrum for holistic approach.
A cadet of National Cadet Corps has been selected for the prestigious Republic Day Camp. The students under the N.S.S. wing have undertaken numerous activities of extension and community outreach in the campus as well as the neighborhood. Villages have been adopted under the Unnat Bharat Abhiyan.

6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required

The major mass of students studying in the university belong to rural or semi urban areas. One of the major constraints is language barrier. It takes little more time for them to understand and appreciate the conceptual aspects. It also hampers the development of proper communication skills and consequently, the employment opportunities
Although the university is putting its best efforts to inculcate entrepreneurial culture among the students, not many of them are coming forward and showing interest to take this challenge ahead. The university intends to undertake more measures for encouraging and attracting the students by arranging programmes and interactions with renowned, successful entrepreneurs, professionals and alumni. This would help to encourage more students to come forward with their ideas that could be converted into a commercial innovation. The generation of resources to support all these endeavors remains a challenge. However, the institution is duty bound to provide the same.

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Institutional Best Practices 2

1. Title of the Practice

Fostering Social Awareness through Community Service

2. Objectives of the Practice

The primary objective of the practice is to provide experience and exposure to the students to the real world issues, the problems faced by the sections of society and the need for upliftment of rural areas for the overall development of the nation. The aim is to sensitize the students, make them citizens who are sensitive to the social environment and also provide them a platform to serve the nation and society. The objectives include generate awareness amongst students towards existing social disparities in income, health, education, nutrition and instill compassion and empathy in the minds of youth for society.

3. The Context

The very objective of the umbrella organization, which began this educational institution, was to serve the local population and uplift the underprivileged sections of society in the neighborhood. There was a need to provide affordable and quality education for the students residing in the area.
Sensitivity towards society must be a natural outcome of the education process. It has obvious benefits for the students, as it also exposes them to some life skills. Inclusivity encompasses acceptance and adaptability of the social strata. Campus life gives an excellent opportunity for this if proper environment and adequate platforms are provided.
The academic process needs to be amalgamated with elements of social responsibility. The university attempts to achieve this with a strong academic input by way of curriculum delivery, while emphasizing extracurricular activities like sports, culture as well as social interaction in equal measure. This balanced approach is expected to yield good results.

4. The Practice

The practice is evident from the university’s commitment to and engagement with community related services. It is committed towards elderly people of Sidhpur city. Senior citizens are of prime priority for the management of the university. The university arranges quite a few programmes specifically for the senior citizens. They are invited to witness the celebration of national holidays such as 15th August and 26th January. They felicitated by President of the university. A special cultural programme is organized for them every year.
One of the most noteworthy activities in this category is distribution of Tiffin to the needy people of Sidhpur city. There are two hospitals located at University campus where everyday hundreds of patents are visiting and taking benefit of the services available in these hospitals. The service includes FREE MEDICINE to all those who take the service of these hospitals. The University has collaborated with couple of industries who have kindly consented to provide medicines as a part of their CSR initiative.
Navratri is an identity of Gujarat state. People of the state have huge faith in Goddess Maa Amba and visit the famous Ambaji Temple in thousands. They travel a long distance by walking and need medical and other support services on the way to temple. One of the paths to reach to the temple is passing through Sidhpur, and is near the university. The university arranges free Seva and Medical Camps outside the campus main gate, where the students offer their services to pedestrians travelling to Ambaji temple. The food is prepared in the kitchens of hostel mess and served round the clock to the pilgrims. Free medicine is also served from the two hospitals located inside the campus.
There are platforms like N.C.C. and N.S.S., which have undertaken extensive efforts to host numerous activity that result in the interaction and consequent bonding amongst the student community, fostering a strong sense of camaraderie, equity and inclusiveness
NCC activities included Blood Donation and Thalassemia Camp, Tree Plantation and Climate Change Awareness Programme, while the N.S.S. activities included Health Check-up and Physiotherapy Camps in villages as well as awareness programmes on various diseases.
The University has always been committed to the cause of humanity and continues to strive for the upliftment of the needy and the poor. Several activities have been organized related to social and community outreach. These activities help in sensitization the students, faculty and staff.

5. Evidence of Success

The University in collaboration with Bahuchar Jan Seva Trust runs a Tiffin service where 280 Tiffin boxes are prepared everyday and circulated among the needy people. The students along with the employees of this trust collect the Tiffin at 10.00 am from the centre and start distributing it in the Sidhpur city. The main beneficiaries of this service are senior citizens (mainly singles) who are unable to prepare own food. The meal consists of normal Gujarati menu including Roti, Sabji, Dal and Rice. On festivals, Sweet and Farsan is also served. The quantity of the meal is sufficient enough that a person may consume it two times a day if preserved in a proper way. Since this is a social service, the evidence of success could be seen only in the form of joy and satisfaction on the face of this most important but needy compartment of the society. Ayurved and Homeopathy hospitals serve medicines to a number of patients. Since every year thousands of people are visiting Ambaji temple during Navratri, they take advantage of the services offered by the university. These services have gone a long way in earning goodwill and achieving the social objectives of the institution.

6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required

Motivating students to balance academics and extracurricular activities, understanding the needs of society and hesitation among students to stay back beyond class hours poses a great challenge. The university is required to make provision for extra sessions for those students who are engaged in the social services. Creating awareness in rural areas and involving the public in activities proposed by the University is a stumbling block because of reluctance to accept new ideas due to a lack of interest and time. Villages with difficult terrain are a deterrent as far as transportation, boarding and lodging are concerned.
There is a need of volunteers who come forward to work for selfless activities. Identifying needy people and their needs is also one of the major challenges if someone wants to do some kind of social work. Social and anthropological issues are also there. There are major logistical issues regarding transportation of senior citizens.

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