
Open Educational Resources

1. MIT Open Courseware- This page is an index to the online textbooks in MIT OpenCourseWare. Each link below goes to a course or resource page that contains the textbook files.

2. OpenStax

Openstax Humanities Collection

Openstax Social Sciences Collection

Openstax Business Collection

Openstax Maths Collection 

3. OASIS A large user-friendly OER search engine that allows for users to search by subject or by course material type (e.g. textbooks, simulations, audio).

4.  Open Courseware

An independent search engine that indexes open education classes from places like MIT, Yale, and UMass.

5. Open Learning Initiative

Complete courses from Carnegie Mellon University

6. Noba - Psychology Modules

A series of modules in the field of Psychology from Introductory courses to more advanced topics.

7. OERu

OERu offers a number of full courses in fields like business, economics, digital literacy, and history from partner universities around the world.

8. LearningSpace from Open University

All of the learning materials presented on this site are CC licensed, but don't confuse "Learning Spaces" with the full Open University- their licensing/copyrights are different.

9. Open2Study

MOOC provider from Open Universities Australia. Some content is openly licensed.

Digital Library

10. OER Commons

OER Commons Arts & Humanities Collection

OER Commons Education Collection

OER Commons Social Science Collection

OER Commons Maths Collection

11. ProjectGutenberg

Project Gutenberg is a library of over 60,000 free eBooks. Choose among free epub and Kindle eBooks, download them or read them online. You will find the world's great literature here, with focus on older works for which U.S. copyright has expired. Thousands of volunteers digitized and diligently proofread the eBooks, for enjoyment and education.

12. Internet Archive

Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.

13. National Digital Library of India


Open Repositories

14. NROER Repository -NROER is a collaborative platform, which brings together everyone interested in school and teacher education.

Initiated by the Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India and managed by the Central Institute of Educational Technology, National Council of Educational Research and Training, the Repository runs on the MetaStudio platform, an initiative of the Gnowledge Labs, Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education.

15. Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpenDOAR)

16. Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR)

17. Open Knowledge Repository (World Bank)


Open Textbooks

18. MIT Open Textbooks

19. Open Textbook for Hong Kong

University Level

20. Global Textbook Project

High-level texts hosted or created by the University of Georgia.

21. Open Textbook Library

Hundreds of complete, open college-level textbooks collected by the University of Minnesota.

22. BC OpenEd

A curated collection of open textbooks, many reviewed by British Columbia faculty

Children's Literature


23. Public Bookshelf

24. A Story Before Bed

25. NC Kids Digital Library

26. Short Stories


28.  Read Central

29. Fun Stuff for Kids and Teens

30. e-Learning for Kids

31. Internet Sacred Text Archive

32. Read Print

33. Many Books



36. Star Fall

37. Storyline Online

38. International Children's Digital Library

39. epic


Open Audio Books

40. LibriVox Free Audiobook Collection (1300+)


42. AudioFile

Teaching Research Skills

43. USC Research Guides

44. Research Tutorials (preparation)

45. Socopen open archive of the social sciences provides a free, non-profit, open-access platform for social scientists to upload working papers, preprints, and published papers, with the option to link data and code.

Free Databases (Open Access)

DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)

47. DOAB

48. ScholarWorks (Indiana University)

49. HighWire (Stanford University)

50. BASE ( Bielefeld University Library, Germany)

51.  University of HK

52. CORE  The world’s largest collection of open access research papers
